Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The least of these

"Inasmuch as you did it to the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me." - Jesus, as quoted by Matthew 25:39

A few weeks ago, a former student of mine from Punxsutawney Christian School asked me if I would head up a team for a walk-a-thon she's organizing to raise money to drill a well at an orphanage in Haiti.

"Yes!" I said. What a marvelous opportunity to help others and all I have to do is raise a team and WALK!

Here's how Stephanie (Summers) Huebner, my former student, explained the need:
All donations (for the walk-a-thon) will go through an organization called Helping Hands in Motion (HHIM), who will then drill the water well.

Let me tell you about HHIM. A family friend of mine, Richard Fields, is the founder of HHIM. HHIM has been involved with supporting numerous pastors and churches in India, as well as the House of Blessings Orphanage (HOB) in Haiti for almost 16 years! The HOB is a Christian orphanage that holds around 17 kids. Voodoo is prominent in Haiti, so the fact that the orphanage is Christian is awesome!
Ever since I was introduced the children living at the HOB back in October 2011, I have desired to financially help them. What better way than a walkathon?

After contacting Richard, we decided water was the orphanage’s biggest need (click here). The HOB is located on top of a mountain in a town called Callebasse is right outside of Port-Au-Prince. Their main source of water is from a cistern on their property. Due to drought, their cistern is running dry. Because the trips in to town to get jugs of water for the HOB are costing $200 per trip, they have also been sending the kids down the mountain to the streams with buckets to get water. I have been down these mountains—they are not safe (especially in the worn out crocs the kids wear!).
Drilling a water well would eliminate these costs, keep the kids safe, and give the HOB and mission teams an unlimited supply of water.

For more information about Richard and HHIM, visit their website:


What: The Least of These Walk-A-Thon
When: August 18th (Times to come)
Where: Redbank Valley High School, New Bethlehem, PA
Why: To drill a water well!
Who: Everyone and their brother! ;) 

To be on my team or to make a pledge, email me at

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